Multi-Species: Lamb & Goat Project
Lamb and meat Goat projects provide youth with opportunities to expand their knowledge of the sheep and meat goat industry, production, and more importantly, develop the life skills that are needed to be positive contributors to society. Through these projects youth will learn about selection and evaluation, nutrition and feeding, health and daily care, reproduction, marketing, and much more. Youth learn to accept responsibility, to value hard work, think critically, make decisions, and communicate. In addition, there are several multi-species shows that youth can participate in to put on exhibition their beef cattle, sheep or meat goat project. These shows provide a great avenue to meet and develop friendships with other youth and leaders from across the state. Young people are also able to connect with supportive adults (who serve as mentors), demonstrate a commitment to learning, develop social competencies and gain exposure to career opportunities.
LambThe 4-H sheep project allows young people to learn about breeds, selection, grooming, production, management, showmanship, marketing and careers.
GoatGoats are one of the top 5 most popular species of livestock on a global scale, for both dairy and meat purposes. While not as prevalent in the United States, goat meat has been growing in popularity over the last few years to meet demand for more sustainable and local meats. The goat project will help you: